domingo, 24 de enero de 2010



Hola queridos monos napoleónicos!

Como prometí en el posteo anterior, referido a la ley de atracción, comparto algunas herramientas que sirven para que ejercitemos el uso de esta ley. En esta oportunidad hablaré de algunas cosas que aplico en mi vida, para atraer cosas positivas:

1- IMAGINO lo que quiero, por ejemplo un auto; pero con todos los detalles: de color rojo, con vidrios polarizados, marca Ford.

2- LO ESCRIBO Y LO DIBUJO o busco en una revista ese modelo con las características que lo quiero: color rojo, con vidrios polarizados.

3- JUEGO, me voy a un lugar donde nadie me vea y me imagino con los ojos cerrados manejando el auto por la ciudad, extiendo las manos como si agarrara el volante, paso los cambios de velocidades y aprieto el acelerador, todo como si fuera real.

Suena un poco loco no? Pero funciona! El mes pasado sucedió con mi cuenta bancaria. Quería un monto específico, lo pensé, lo escribí y jugué a retirarlo. Cuando fui a cobrar, para mi asombro, ahí estaba!  No se de dónde lo depositaron, ni tampoco cómo llegó a mi cuenta, lo único que se es que ahí estaba.
Esta ley funciona en todas las áreas de la vida: en las emociones, en las relaciones y en la salud también.
Anímate a pensar qué querés atraer a tu vida. Juguemos juntos te parece? Como cuando éramos niños que le dábamos vida a las cosas, de repente una caja se convertía en una súper nave espacial.

Las cosas no nos dan vida, nosotros le damos vida a las cosas.

Todo el universo está a tu favor. Crea tu propio destino. Pensá que querés y atrae las mejores cosas a tu vida. Lo mejor está a un paso, sólo hay que animarse a darlo.
Les dejo un calido abrazo queridos amigos.

Idea Original: Emiliano Ruiz
Correccion: Cecilia Tejeda
Translation: Katherine Berg

Vital Attraction

Hello friends!
As promised in the last blog that discussed the law of attraction, I am going to share some tools that help in the use of this law in a positive way. This time I will discuss I will talk about something that I have applied to my life and have brought on great and positive things.
1. IMAGINE what you want in great detail. If it is a car think of the make, the color, the model. Get an idea in your head of something you would like to accomplish; maybe you would like to run in a race.
In the case of the car, look for examples of what you want whether it be in a magazine or other places. Mix and match all the characteristics that you want in your car until you have the final item you are dreaming of. If you are going to run in the race you need to train and prepare yourself mentally and physically.
Think about that car and how you would use it in different situations, such as driving through the town. When it comes to the race, close your eyes and think about crossing that finish line and seeing your family and friends cheering you on.
These ideas may sound crazy, but they work! Last week I was thinking about my bank account and how I need some more. I figured out how much I would need. I thought about it, wrote it and visualized it. Later that week I went to the bank and saw that a deposit had been made into my account and the money that I had been thinking about was in my account. I don’t know who gave me that gift, all I know is that it was there.
This law works for all areas of life whether it is with emotions, relationships, or health. Begin thinking, writing, and visualizing things that you would like to attract to your life.
Things do not give us life, we give life to things. Everything in the world is there for us to use. We create our own destinies. Think about what you want in life and you will bring it to yourself. Get excited and change your life.

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